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Four Seasons Set by Colleen Sgroi

The Four Season images from Colleen Sgroi are available for puzzles individually or as a set. Puzzle sets were popular in the 30's and 40's where friends would get together and have puzzle contests at different tables. All the puzzles were approximately the same size and with the same number of pieces. Usually they were all of a similar theme, but not always. This set, Winter (Cranberry Ice), Spring (Easter Baptism), Summer (Orange Blossom Farm) and Fall (October Love), make a nice foursome to enjoy any time of the year.

Title: Four Seasons Set
By: Colleen Sgroi

Select the individual puzzle or puzzle set you want then click on the order button below.

Order the 8" x 6" size, each puzzle will have approximately 100 average size pieces:
Spring Summer Fall Winter Four Seasons set of 4 (save 15%)
Select the individual puzzle or puzzle set you want then click on the order button below.

Order the 16" x 12" size, each puzzle will have approximately 400 average size pieces:
Spring Summer Fall Winter Four Seasons set of 4 (save 15%)

a custom cut puzzle

Title: Spring (Easter Baptism)
By: Colleen Sgroi

Title: Summer (Orange Blossom Farm)
By: Colleen Sgroi

Title: Fall (October Love) 3
By: Colleen Sgroi

Title: Winter (Cranberry Ice)
By: Colleen Sgroi

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